Rabino Danilo

Danilo Rabino



  +39 0113977718

  Strada delle Cacce, 73 - 10135 - Torino - (TO)

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  • Research Activities
  • Biographical Notes
  • Laboratories/Service

Sustainable agriculture

Agricultural machinery safety, standardization and certification

Innovation and precision farming

Graduated in Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Researcher at CNR-STEMS.

My research interests: sustainable agriculture, innovation and safety aspects related to agricultural machinery, in addition to agrometeorology and soil management.

Evaluator for H2020 and for Sustainable Growth Fund projects and PON Horizon 2020 projects.

Appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture in the List of experts for research and innovation on the agricultural system. Peer-reviewer for international scientific journals.

  • Active Projects
  • Closed Projects

SCORPION: Cost effective robots for smart precision spraying - H2020-SPACE-EGNSS-2019-2020

Certificazione VS ENAMA di macchine agricole

WATER4EVER: Optimizing water use in agriculture to preserve soil and water resources - ERA-NET Cofund

CORYL ROBOT: Realizzazione di un robot innovativo per la raccolta in campo automatica e autonoma delle nocciole - POR FESR 2014-20

Recupero e valorizzazione delle serie storiche di dati agro-meteorologici di Vezzolano

Research Activities of STEMS

Development of Sustainable Technologies and Circular Economy
Digital Transition in the Energy, Transport and Agriculture Sectors
Process, Plant and Machine Safety
Procedures for the Development of Regulations and New Certification Strategies