Giovanna Ruoppolo
Head of Research
+39 0817682230
P.le Tecchio 80 - 80125 - Naples - (NA)
- Riesearch Activities
- Biographical Notes
- Laboratories/Service
Biomass torrefaction in fixed and fluidized bed reactors
Advanced pyrolysis processes (catalityc and not catalystic, staged, co-pyrolysis)
Processes and tecnologies for gasification and co-gasification of biomasses and waste
Processes for biomasses and waste combustion
Development and characterization of innovative catalysts for TAR abatement in fixed bed reactor
Recovery of metal in the sludge for catalysts synthesis under a circular economy approch
Giovanna Ruoppolo is senior researcher at the CNR_STEMS. She graduated in Chemical Engineering at the University "Federico II" of Naples, where also obtained her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 1999. Her research interests (heterogeneous catalysis and chemical reactor design) are related to two areas: i) materials and catalytic processes in fixed or fluidized bed reactors for energy and environment (catalytic oxidation of light hydrocarbons, post-combustion treatment of exhaust gases from power plants, preferential oxidation of CO in hydrogen rich stream, decomposition of CH4 to produce hydrogen H2); ii) torrefaction, pyrolysis and gasification of biomass and solid residue (comminution phenomena, set up and characterization of innovative catalyst systems, design of innovative fluidized bed gasifiers).
She is author of 79 papers on international journal and more than 60 papers with ISSN or ISBN and national and international conferences and of an Italian Patent (Procedimento di preparazione di punti quantici a base di carbonio funzionalizzati da biomasse No. 1020180000104262019).
- Active Projects
- Closed Projects
FENICS- Fanghi, Energia e scarti iNdustrialI per economia Circolare e Sostenibilità
POTTERS-POrtable Thermal Treatment for Effective and Regenerative Sludge management
BIOFEEDSTOCK - Sviluppo di Piattaforme Tecnologiche Integrate per la Valorizzazione di Biomasse Residuali
BIOVALUE - Realizzazione di una piattaforma tecnologica per lo sviluppo di sistemi ibridi di generazione e cogenerazione basati sullo sfruttamento di fonti energetiche
Mi-BESt - Micro co/tri generazione of efficient and stable bioenergy from small scale apparatus
BIOPOLIS - Sviluppo di Tecnologie Verdi per la Produzione di BIOchemicals per la Sintesi e l’Applicazione Industriale di Materiali POLImerici a Partire da Biomasse Agricole Ottenute da Sistemi Colturali Sostenibili nella Regione Campania