Maria Antonietta Costagliola
+39 0817177112
Via Guglielmo Marconi, 4 - 80125- Naples (NA)
- Research Activities
- Biographical Notes
- Laboratories/Service
Vehicle exhaust emissions and fuel consumption measurement by laboratory and on road testing;
Certification tests of two and four-wheelers vehicles for comparing pollutant emissions and legislative type-approval limits;
Measurements of vehicle not-exhaust particulate emissions (tire wear, brake and resuspension);
Energy consumption of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV, PHEV, BEV), well-to-wheel analysis;
Emission factor database of passenger cars;
Analysis of alternative fuels for transport (biodiesel, ethanol, buthanol, natural gas, LPG, HVO);
Methods for post-combustion CO2 capture at vehicle and internal combustion engine exhaust;
Assessment of the environmental impact of cogeneration systems for the production of electricity, powered by biomass;
Estimation of GHG indirect emissions of companies (Scope 3).
2010: PhD in Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II.
2001: Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering, University of Naples Federico II.
Since 2009, researcher of Istituto Motori - National Research Council of Italy (currently Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Energia e la Mobilità Sostenibili).
She carries out research activities in national and international working groups on the basis of projects funded by Ministries EU Programme or by private companies.
She is supervisor of a lot of degree theses in Engineering.
The research activity is documented by over 50 scientific publications in international journals.
- Active Projects
- Closed Projects
Research contract funded by Pirelli “Sviluppo di una metodologia per la valutazione del PM non-exhaust da pneumatici”;
Greenfarm project;
Research contract funded by Italiana Petroli S.p.A. “Stima delle emissioni indirette di gas ad effetto serra del Gruppo API”.
Research contract funded by Italiana Petroli S.p.A. “Valutazione del combustibile Optimo sulle emissioni e sui consumi di autovetture e veicoli commerciali leggeri”
H2020 Vision-xEV (Virtual Component and System Integration for Efficient Electrified Vehicle Development);
Research contract funded by SNAM S.p.A. “Analisi di verifica del comportamento emissivo delle autovetture”
Prometeo (PROduzione di energia elettrica, terMica E frigorifera con micro-cogeneraTorE alimentato a biOmassa residuale);
Research contract funded by Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) “Misura delle concentrazioni medie di CO2/PM2.5/NOx emesse per Km percorso di automobili ed autobus in prove che simulano l’uso effettivo dei veicoli”;
PiTER on board (Piattaforma Tecnologica per la termoconversione Energetica ad elevata efficienza dei Rifiuti “on board”);
Innovare (Impianti INNOVAtivi per poligenerazione distribuita da biomasse Residuali);
Agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport “La misurazione del comportamento emissivo di vetture Diesel Euro 5 commercializzate in Italia con prove in laboratorio e su pista”;
Project Industria 2015 MUSS – Mobilità Urbana Sostenibile (MS01_00023);
Project P.O.N. 'Ricerca e Competitività' 2007 - 2013 “DRIVE IN2 - Metodologie, tecnologie e sistemi innovativi di Driver Monitoring a bordo veicolo per una guida sicura ed eco-compatibile”.
Research Activities of STEMS