Di Somma Ilaria


Ilaria di Somma



  +39 0817682251

  P.le Tecchio 80 - 80125 - Naples - (NA)

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  • Research Activities
  • Biographical Notes
  • Laboratories/Servic

The safety of industrial chemical processes

The applications of the advanced oxidation processes to the removal of organic pollutants from water and wastewater

The application of the photocatalytic processes for:

Hydrogen generation in presence of organic substances (photoreforming)

Production of high-value intermediates

Recovery of metals in the scenario of a circular economy approach minimizing waste and scraps

Ilaria Di Somma obtained the Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from University Federico II of Naples in December 2006. Her research is focused on the experimental analysis and the kinetic modelling of Advanced Oxidation Processes for the removal of organic pollutants, photocatalytic processes for H2 generation and the production of high-value intermediates, and the recovery of metals from wastes and scraps. In these research areas, significant efforts are devoted by Ilaria to assessing and improving the safety of investigated chemical processes. She is author of 59 articles published in international scientific journals, conference proceedings and book chapters (h-index 20, number of citations 2028, Scopus database).
From 31 October 2002, she has maintained collaborations with:

The Plataforma Solar de Almería-CIEMAT, Spain.

The University of Barcelona, Department of Chemical Engineering, Spain.

The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, COPPE, Brazil.

The University of Cincinnati, DBCEE, United States.

The University of Cambridge, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, England.

Since 2010 she has been a member of the PhD board in Chemical Engineering as tutor for several candidates; Since 2003 she has been co-supervisor of over 50 graduation and master degree thesis in Chemical Engineering.
In the a. y. 2002/2003 and 2022/2023 she is responsible for the course “Explosion risks in workplaces: prevention and protection”, Master Course in Chemical Engineering, University Federico II of Naples.
She is Associate Editor of Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances.
She obtained the NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC HABILITATION as Associate professor in competition sectors 09/D2 and 09/D3 (SSD ING/IND27).

  • Active Projects
  • Closed Projects

Waste2Fuels - Sustainable production of next generation biofuels from waste streams - H2020

Mi-BESt – Efficient and stable micro co/tri- generation of bio-energy

Research Activities of STEMS

Development of Sustainable Technologies and Circular Economy
Innovative Catalytic Processes and Advanced Materials
Process, Plant and Machine Safety