Codice Bando 400.13 STEMS PNRR Prot. 307507/2023 del 17/10/2023..
Selection by qualifications and interview pursuant to article 8 of the "Regulations concerning the recruitment of personnel with fixed-term employment contracts", for the recruitment, pursuant to article 83 of the National Collective Labour Agreement for the 2016-2018 “Education and Research” sector, signed on 19 April 2018, of a staff member with a professional profile of Researcher III level, at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Energia e la Mobilità Sostenibili (STEMS)– office headquarters of Naples – within the project “Centro Nazionale per la Mobilità Sostenibile – CNMS – MOST CN00000023, CUP B43C22000440001 Spoke 12“
Number of places for competition : 1
Qualifications: Master's Degree.
Target structure : Institute of Science and Technology for Sustainable Energy and Mobility - Naples office headquarters
For admission to the selection, the following are required:
- Master's Degree (Laurea Magistrale DM 270/04) in Mechanical Engineering (LM-33), Electronic Engineering (LM-29), Automation Engineering (LM-25), Electrical Engineering (LM-28), Security Engineering (LM-26) or Specialized Degree (Laurea Specialistica DM 509/99) or University Degree within the framework of the previous system declared equivalent by current legislation.Programma di Ricerca "Centro Nazionale per la Mobilità Sostenibile – CNMS, CN 00000023, Spoke 12, CUP B43C22000440001, D.D. MUR 1033 del 17/06/2022"For degrees obtained abroad, a legal recognition is required. The candidate who is not yet in possession of the provision for recognition of the foreign qualification must declare in the application form that he/she has submitted the relative request in accordance with the law in force, reporting in the curriculum vitae details of the transmission. In this case the candidate will be admitted to the selection with reserve, it being understood that this recognition must be presented before the stipulation of the employment contract;
- At least three years of experience, both experimental and theoretical, documented by scientific production, participation in research activities, industrial experience, on the following fields: 1. Design, experimentation and control of systems and/or components to support sustainable mobility; 2. Design, experimentation and management of electric energy storage systems; 3. Modelling, simulation and control of electric/thermal machines and electric energy storage systems, or possession of the title of Research Doctor or a PhD relevant to the field of experience;
- Knowledge of the English language