Solimene Roberto

Roberto Solimene

Senior Researcher


  +39 0815931567

  P.le Tecchio 80 - 80125 - Naples - (NA)

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  • Research Activities
  • Biographical Notes
  • Laboratories/Service

Combustion, gasification and pyrolysis of high-volatile solid fuels (e.g. biomass, sewage sludge) in fluidized bed reactors

Hydrodynamics of bubbling, circulating and multiple interconnected fluidized beds

Hydrodynamics of entrained-flow slagging gasifiers of solid fuels

Development of novel configurations of interconnected multiple fluidized bed systems finalized to chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)

Development of novel configurations of fluidized beds finalized to the conversion of concentrated solar energy into electric and thermal energy, and/or materials (chemical storage, solar fuels)

Hydrothermal liquefaction of biomasses

Roberto Solimene, born in Naples (Italy) on December 10th, 1974, is researcher at the Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Sustainable Energy and Mobility (previously Combustion Research Institute) of the National Research Council of Italy since 2006. He obtained the high school diploma "Maturità Scientifica" on July 1993 (Liceo Scientifico Statale G. Mercalli, Naples) with an evaluation of 60/60. He took the Degree in Chemical Engineering with an evaluation of 110/110 cum laude on February 1999 and the PhD in Chemical Engineering on March 2003 at the University of Naples Federico II.

Roberto Solimene carried out research activities in collaboration with several national and international partners: UCL; IMDEA Energy Institute; IFP Energies nouvelles; University of Adelaide; University of Naples Federico II; University of Sannio and ENEA.

Roberto Solimene received several teaching appointments at the University of Naples Federico II in the fields of chemical reactors and plants He was supervisor of more than 30 Master’s Degree Theses and 6 PhD Theses. He has got the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Associate Professor in Chemical Plants

  • Active Projects
  • Closed Project

Research contracts with IFPEN and Magaldi Power S.p.a.




Research contracts with Riello S.p.A., ECODECO, ENEL, Fater, ENI and MAGALDI; FISR 2001; MAP; PRIN 2008-2010; MEGARIS project; PON01_00761 SOLTESS; Campus RISE; STAGE-STE, Scientific and Technological Alliance for Guaranteeing the European Excellence in Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy"; PON BIO-VALUE PON03PE_00176; PON BIOFEEDSTOCK.




Research Activities of STEMS

Decarbonization and Energy Transition
Development of Sustainable Technologies and Circular Economy
Innovative Catalytic Processes and Advanced Materials