- Research Activities
- Biographical Notes
- Laboratories/Service
3D numerical simulation of thermofluidynamic processes in internal combustion engines.
CFD numerical methods applications with detailed kinetics for the study and optimization of conventional and innovative combustion modes
Multidimensional modeling of spray evolution and characterization of different nozzle design.
Multidimensional modeling of autoignition and pollutant formation to support and deepen the engine experiments and to optimize innovative injection and combustion systems solutions.
High sliding gears (HSG): theoretical principles for the design of cylindrical gears with involute tooth profile and medium or high sliding velocity
Graduation cum laude in 1995 in Mechanical Engineering at University Federico II of Naples, Ph.D. in Engineering of Thermomechanical systems in 1999. Reseacher at STEMS of CNR from 2001 in Naples. From 1995 to 2013 collaboration on professional training courses in Industrial Engineering for companies and on teaching courses of the Machinery course at Second University in Naples. From 2007 to 2015 scientific manager of the 3D numerical simulation activities of thermo-fluid dynamics processes in MCI as part of the CNR Project "Rational use of energy in transport". Collaboration on about 20 various research projects both national (PON, PRIN, PNRA, Scientific Research Promotion in Campania) and international (FP European Framework Programs for research and innovation) with public and private corporations in the automotive sector concerning the study and the optimization of conventional and innovative combustion systems, in diesel engines with low environmental impact, using alternative fuels and/or advanced technological solutions. Author or co-author of 60 peer reviewed publications at international level, 17 CNR research reports and a patent.
- Active Projects
- Closed Projects
2011-2015 Light-duty dual fuel diesel engine (diesel- CNG/LPG):
2009-2012 Technologies for Synthesis, Recycling and Combustion of Metallic Nanoclusters as Future Transportation Fuels - COMETNANO
2009-2013. “Clean European Rail-Diesel - CleanER-D”
2012-2015 Elettronica di controllo, sistema d’iniezione, strategie di combustione, sensoristica avanzata e tecnologie di processo innovativi per motori diesel a basse emissioni inquinanti. MIUR PON01_02238
2019-2022 PON EXTREME Innovative Technologies for EXTREMEely Efficient Sprak Ignited Engines